News Archive
Jim Payne and Fergus O'Byrne At Pentland Hotel
Wildcat Traditional Music Association are pleased to present Jim Payne and Fergus O'Byrne from Newfoundland, Canada at the Pentland Hotel, Thurso, 8:00pm, Sunday 21st May, 2006. This celebration of Newfoundland culture will take you on a journey through stories, tunes and songs.
Scottish Traditional Music Graded Exams - Can You Help?
The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama (RSAMD) Traditional Music Grade Exams project team is working hard to ensure the new exams fit with what musicians and their teachers need. Can you help them refine the graded exams by taking part in their research.Thurso Players Present Dracula At The Mill Theatre
18 - 20 May 2006 Dracula has been adapted many times and a script by Liz Lochhead has been chosen for this production of Bram Stoker's chilling love story The adaptation has a touch of modern tongue and with with this is mind has had a modern direction. Don't go expecting to see a flowing red cape and a badly constructed Transylvanian accent.
Estrella - Rocking Aberdeen With New EP
Estrella have just launched their latest EP. It's a 5 track CD including original songs , "She's Got It", "Woman's Touch", "Going For Glory", "Wet n' Wild" and "Ride Away".
Highland 2007 welcomes business backing
Businesses in the Highlands have committed more than £350,000 in support of Highland 2007, the year Scotland celebrates Highland Culture. LifeScan Scotland Ltd, Royal Bank of Scotland, Scottish Co-op, Caledonian MacBrayne and Fionnar Springs Ltd are the first to sign up as official partners to Highland 2007.The Howlin Gaels New CD "Lonely Road"
The Howlin Gaels new CD has been written and compiled with all the usual love for their music that has made them one of the top blues/rock bands in Scotland. With an incredible playing experience behind them with the ability to play almost anything they have over the years wowed audiences wherever they went.
A Feast Of Entertainment At Lyth In May
Lyth Arts Centre continues to bring a huge variety of high quality live entertainment to Caithness. May is no exception with a fantastic variety of drama, music and comedy with nationally and internationally respected groups coming to the county.
Wedding Photographer John Baikie Gains Another Qualification
Thurso-based photographer John Baikie of Caithness Photographic has just been awarded an important qualification by the Society Of Wedding and Portrait Photographers. John, who has just set up a new wedding based business called Captiv8, has been awarded a Licentiate by the society, which is one of the fastest growing photographers association in the world.
Crimson Tide At Boss Hogg CD Launch
Crimson Tide were one of the support bands at the Boss Hogg CD Launch in Thurso on Friday 28 April 2006. Check out the photos here.
Boss Hogg CD Launch Photos
Boss Hogg launched their CD at a big bash at the Weigh Inn, Thurso on Friday 28 April 2006. Check out the photos here .
Steve Taylor Band At Boss Hogg CD Launch
Steve Taylor Band were also out to support the launch of the new CD by Boss Hogg at the Weigh Inn, Thurso on 28 April 2006. Check out the photos here.
26/4/2006The Cutting Edge. Collected Poems 1966-2003 By David Morrison
Foreword by Gerry Cambridge. Introduction by Iain Crichton Smith "Though his poetry has a masculine outspokenness and force, he is very sensitive to the feminine part of his nature." Iain Crichton Smith "David Morrison takes a clear look at life and all who share it and writes about them (and himself) with admirable energy.
Places Available For Dance Leadership Course
Interested in Dance leadership! Read below for a great opportunity PLACES AVAILABLE FOR DANCE LEADERSHIP COURSE What? A two weekend residential Dance Leadership Course providing nationally recognised qualification in dance leadership. The course is practical and challenging but most of all fun - mixing skills training and personal development with social activities.
BossHogg Mount Takeover Bid
Caithness rock band BossHogg are set to release their debut EP '' with a party at The Redwood in Thurso on Friday the 28th of April at 8pm. The launch was originally scheduelled for Saturday the 22nd of April but has had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Four Artists Exhibition At Northlands Creative Glass
The depth of talented glass artists that now make their way to Lybster is astonishing. In a few short years Northlands Creative Glass has established a number of residency placements throughout the year in addition to series of master classes run by some of the world's most renowned glass artists and teachers.
Two Ambitious Thurso Teenagers Win Places On Youth Theatre Course
Two talented Thurso teenagers are on their first step of the ladder to becoming the next big screen legends. The girls have achieved a place with the Scottish Youth Theatre in Glasgow, on the esteemed Summer Festival Foundation Course.
30/3/2006Silk Paper Making Course In Cromarty By Caithness Artist
In partnership with Cromarty Arts Trust, the Highland Council is offering a unique experience for people in Cromarty to try their hand at silkpaper-making and fibre art techniques. The three day workshop project will be led by internationally renowned artist and author, Joanne Kaar from Caithness.29/3/2006
Project Ability In Thurso
The Clyde and Pentland Firth have met in an arts project held in Ormlie Centre in Thurso. The event was organised by Jennifer Ironside of Key Housing and ran in conjunction with Project Ability who are a Glasgow based visual arts organisation.
The Highland Promise - the cultural pledge to young people in the Highlands.
'The Highland Promise' is the winning entry in a competition to come up with a name for the element of Highland 2007 that places Highland schoolchildren at the heart of 2007. The pupil council from Knockbreck Primary School in Tain came up with the winning suggestion, earning their school the £350 prize as well as the honour of naming one of the most important elements of Highland 2007.