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News Archive

Ray Harryhausen | Titan Of CinemaThumbnail for article : Ray Harryhausen | Titan Of Cinema
Described as one of the most influential people in cinema, Ray Harryhausen's films have inspired generations of filmmakers, animators, writers, and artists, to push the boundaries of their own creations.   He is not only remembered for his iconic style of animation and his unique approach on set, but his humility and willingness to share his passion with a new generation.  
Highland Library submission included in Future Book
Today marks the start of Book Week Scotland which is an annual celebration of books and reading supported by Creative Scotland and SLIC.  As part of the celebration a free book is collated from entries received and distributed by the Scottish Book Trust.  
Culture Collective Fund - A Fund To Support A Network Of Creative Practitioners, Organisations And CommunitiesThumbnail for article : Culture Collective Fund - A Fund To Support A Network Of Creative Practitioners, Organisations And Communities
Fund overview The Culture Collective is a pilot programme which will establish a network of creative practitioners, organisations and communities, working together to create a positive difference locally and nationally in response to COVID-19.   The programme will focus on community engaged creative activity, supporting participatory approaches and projects where creative practitioners and communities work collaboratively.  
Youth Arts Access Fund - Deadline For Applications 12 NovemberThumbnail for article : Youth Arts Access Fund - Deadline For Applications 12 November
The Youth Arts Access fund is one strand of the Youth Arts Fund.   The Purpose of the fund The overall £3m Youth Arts Fund has largely been provided to enhance the existing Youth Music Initiative programme (YMI) managed by Creative Scotland.  
Comataidh na Gàidhlig air beachdachadh air Ro-innleachd Conaltraidh agus Com-pàirteachais airson na Gàidhlig
Aig a coinneamh an-diugh, chaidh iarraidh air buill Chomataidh na Gàidhlig beachdachadh air grunn mholaidhean, agus dòigh-obrach aontachadh, gus Ro-innleachd Conaltraidh agus Plana Com-pàirteachais a leasachadh.   Tha an còmhradh seo a' leantainn air adhart bho bhùithtean-obrach a chumadh air-loidhne san t-Sultain 2020 gus beachdachadh air mar a bheir Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd prìomhachas do na prìomh ghnìomhan ann am Plana na Gàidhlig 3 agus mar a thèid an cur an gnìomh mu choinneamh ‘A' Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig, Ag Ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus A’ Brosnachadh na Gàidhlig’.  
Buill Chomataidh na Gàidhlig a' moladh soirbheachas a' chiad Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail Air-loidhne
Anns a' choinneimh aca an-diugh, mheòraich Buill Chomataidh Gàidhlig Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd air a' chiad Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail Air-loidhne, a bha air a chumail eadar 9-17 Dàmhair 2020.   Bhathar an dùil Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna sa a chumail ann an Inbhir Nis ach air sàillibh galar Covid-19, b’ fheudar dhan Chomunn Ghàidhealach a chur dheth agus a ghluasad air-loidhne.  
Fèis Blas air loidhne airson 11 làithean de cheòl is de chultar Gàidhealach
2020, Thèid ceòl Gàidhealach a chomharrachadh, a dh'aindheoin gach cnap-starradh, air feadh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean san t-Samhain le Fèis Blas a’ dol air adhart air loidhne, le sàr-roghainn de chuid den luchd-ciùil is de na seinneadairean seann nòs as fheàrr ann an Alba.   ‘S àbhaist do dh’Fhèis Blas a bhith a’comharrachadh cultar Gàidhealach agus cor beothail ceòl seann nòs Albannach thar 8 no 9 làithean ann an tallachan air feadh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean ach gabhaidh e àite air loidhne thar 11 làithean an ath-mhìos, tro chaochladh chonsairtean, cèilidhean, seiseanan-obrach is tachartasan eile air an sruthadh beò no air an clàradh ro-làimh.  
£75 Million For Iconic Arts Venues And Cultural Organisations In England From Culture Recovery Fund
Iconic arts venues and cultural organisations get £75 million boost from Government's Culture Recovery Fund with 70 per cent of awards outside London.   Culture Secretary announces grants of up to £3 million to save 35 of the country's cultural icons 70 per cent of funding awarded to organisations outside London Grants announced today include the largest awards from the Culture Recovery Fund to date Recipients include iconic venues like the Design Museum, Shakespeare’s Globe, the Old Vic and the Sheffield Crucible 35 of the country’s leading cultural organisations and venues will be the first to receive grants between £1 and £3 million from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has announced.  
Opportunity for local artists with Lyth Arts Centre
CAITHNESS UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE CALLOUT! LAC is looking to commission 10-12 artists in Caithness and North Sutherland to each design a 2-page activity for a Christmas-themed, physical and digital, activity book: Caithness, Under the Christmas Tree.   Caithness, Under the Christmas Tree will follow a similar style and format to LAC's successful lockdown project: Caithness, Through My Window, but with a little bit of Christmas sparkle.  
Supporting Flagship Cultural Venues in Scotland - Emergency Covid-19 Funding
Three flagship venues will receive funding as part of the ongoing emergency coronavirus (COVID-19) support for cultural and heritage organisations.   Capital Theatres - which operates the Festival Theatre, the King's Theatre and The Studio in Edinburgh - will receive £500,000 in addition to £250,000 already awarded through the Performing Arts Venue Relief Fund to help weather the effects of the pandemic.  
Scottish Urban Legends: 50 Myths And True StoriesThumbnail for article : Scottish Urban Legends: 50 Myths And True Stories
Caithness residents have shared their scariest paranormal experiences in a new book released this week by former Wick High School pupil Aaron Mullins, which has gone straight into a top 100 bestsellers list on Amazon.   Scottish Urban Legends: 50 Myths and True Stories features legendary stories that reveal Scotland's mysterious past.  
Lyth Arts Centre Look To The Future Following Funding AwardThumbnail for article : Lyth Arts Centre Look To The Future Following Funding Award
Worries over the financial outlook for Lyth Arts Centre (LAC) have been eased for the time being after the venue was awarded £97,000 in Scottish Government funding.   The sum - from the Performing Arts Venues Relief Fund - represents the full figure requested by co-directors Charlotte Mountford and Tom Barnes, who say the money secures LAC's short-term future up to the end of March next year.  
The Girl From Ipanema Is A Far Weirder Song Than You ThoughtThumbnail for article : The Girl From Ipanema Is A Far Weirder Song Than You Thought
If you know the song - and who doesn't you will be surprised about its history.   Adam Neely sets it all out..  
Saturday With A Difference Davie504 - Bass with HumourThumbnail for article : Saturday With A Difference Davie504 - Bass with Humour
Lots of wacky videos on Youtube from expert bass player ..  
The Highland Council CeilidhThumbnail for article : The Highland Council Ceilidh
Tha Mòd Air-loidhne 2020 a' tighinn gu crìch.  Mus tig sinn uile far-loidhne ge-tà, tha Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd agus Fèis Rois a’ toirt cuireadh dhuibh gu aon hòro-gheallaidh eile - Cèilidh na Comhairle.  
A Guide To Growing And Engaging Audiences OnlineThumbnail for article : A Guide To Growing And Engaging Audiences Online
The web site Heritage Digital has published an introduction to a useful guide for artists who want to get online for marketing what they have to offer.   Social media, email and your website are some of the best tools to market your organisation to your target audiences.  
Level Up - Xponorth And University Of The Highlands And Islands Unveil Unique Programme For Students
Students at the University of the Highlands and Islands with a desire to work in the creative industries will benefit from a range of opportunities to help them get their careers started thanks to the new LevelUp! initiative with XpoNorth.   XpoNorth, which helps grow the creative economy across the Highlands and Islands, has teamed up with the university's careers and employability centre to give more than 1,000 students access to a unique free-to-use service.  
Covid-19: Where's The Help For My Creative Business?
Information, advice and funding opportunities seem to be popping up everywhere but how to manage all the alerts, emails, follow the feeds, and stay sane and focussed on what's important whilst keeping FOMO to the minimum.   One way is to manage what you read, where you check for updates and how long for.  
Scottish Opera Reveals A Programme Of Outdoor Socially-distanced PerformancesThumbnail for article : Scottish Opera Reveals A Programme Of Outdoor Socially-distanced Performances
Following the Scottish Government's update to the route map out of the Covid-19 crisis, Scottish Opera is thrilled to announce a programme of seated outdoor performances, including a special production of Puccini's La bohème and Pop-up Opera performances of Mozart's Don Giovanni, Gilbert & Sullivan's The Gondoliers and a new work, The Song of the Clyde, by Scottish composer Karen MacIver.   These performances, the first with live audiences in over six months, are in addition to a live online stream on Friday 18 September of Janáček's The Diary of One Who Disappeared, just announced as part of the Lammermuir Festival.  
Chamber Music Soundscapes: Philip Higham & Susan TomesThumbnail for article : Chamber Music Soundscapes: Philip Higham & Susan Tomes
The Edinburgh International Festival opens the doors of its home, The Hub on Castlehill, to a series of specially filmed performances from leading chamber musicians. The recorded performances are available for free, with new performances every Monday to Friday from 10-28 August.  The recordings are also relayed to speakers scattered across Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens for listeners to enjoy.    Two celebrated Edinburgh-born artists deliver an unforgettable performance for film.