Latest News
Caithness Comics Club With Aimee Lockwood
CYC Comics Club is an opportunity to be creative and learn new ways of storytelling through Comics. Come along to Wick or Thurso Library for our monthly Comics Club sessions with illustrator and comics maker Aimee Lockwood.A Highland Spaceport Fantasy - From The Province Of The Cat by George Gunn
George Gunn has a play about the rocket range in Sutherland touring - The Fallen Angels of the Moine. A serious subject but surprisingly injected with many humerous points.7/9/2024
Stories Change People, Abstract Ideas Don't
We all love good stories. They don't just entertain us, they define how we see the world and, importantly, how we can change it.5/9/2024
Review Of Creative Scotland By Scottish Government - Sudden Reversal Of Cuts Policy
Culture Secretary Angus Robertson has announced a review of Creative Scotland to ensure its operations and structure are optimal to the needs of the culture sector, as part of this year's Programme for Government. The review, which will be the first since the public body’s establishment in 2010, will examine Creative Scotland’s remit and functions as a funding body, and how the overall impact of planned increases in levels of public funding can be maximised to support sustainability in the sector and in participation in the arts.4/9/2024
Chamber Music Scotland Launches: Small Venues Touring Fund
Chamber Music Scotland has launched a new Small Venues Touring Fund to support Scotland-based musicians to tour small venues across the country. Supported by Creative Scotland, the Small Venues Touring Fund will distribute grants of up to £5000 to cover performance fees.4/9/2024
Programme For Government Funding Restored Announcement: Creative Scotland Response
On 4 September John Swinney announced a reversal of the cut to funding for Creative Scotland. In only two weeks the Scottish Government changed their mind on arts funding.3/9/2024
Ceann-bliadhna Ann An Iomoairt Leasachaidh Na Gàidhlig - Key Milestone In The Story Of Gaelic Development
Tha aon de na prìomh bhuidhnean aig teis mheadhan leasachadh na Gàidhlig bho chionn ùine an impis ceann-bliadhna sònraichte chomharrachadh. ‘S ann air an 7mh Sultain, 1984 a chaidh ainm a chuir ri pàipearan a' stèidheachadh Comunn na Gàidhlig, agus tha CnaG air a bhith aig cridhe an iomairt leasachaidh cànain fad an dà fhichead bliadhna bhon uairsin.29/7/2024
Creative Scotland Suspends Some Grant Programmes Due To Scottish Government Uncertainty
Creative Scotland has taken the difficult decision to close the Open Fund for Individuals to new applications due to the Scottish Government being unable to confirm release of £6.6m in Grant-in-Aid budget in the current financial year, 2024-25. The Fund will close to new applications from 2pm on Friday 30th August 2024.1/7/2024
Industrial Caithness - Art Exhibition and Story Telling
1st - 13th July 2024 See poster. The storytelling events are live on the website - book your free space at one of the sessions.30/6/2024
Whittles Publishing - New Book
Hairy-foot, long-tongue - Solitary bees, biodiversity & evolution in your backyard' by David J. Perkins.13/6/2024
Winners Announced In Prestigious Neil Gunn Writing Competition
People of all ages have been sharing their literary talents by taking part in the Neil Gunn writing competition, with awards being presented to the winning authors at a special ceremony at Strathpeffer Pavillion yesterday (12th June 2024). Taking place every two years, the Neil Gunn Writing Competition is organised by the Neil Gunn Trust in partnership with High Life Highland.18/4/2024
Whether You Act Or Just Want To Support Join Wick Players
See poster for details..Writing A Song - A Journey Into Lyricism And Poetry With Zoe Sutherland
For beginners and music enthusiasts interested in exploring lyric writing and poetry, this workshop is an introduction to the basics of writing a song. Part 1 of a 4 part songwriting series, this workshop explores different techniques for putting pen to paper when writing a song.Printmaking With Katie Squires
Come and have a go at traditional printmaking with Katie Squires, use Katie's own pre made lino print stamps and blocks with colourful inks to make your own prints. ‘I am a self-taught printmaker based in Caithness.Inspired By Books Author Talks And Q And A
Come and join us for an afternoon of author talks! JD Kirk and Neil Lancaster will be talking about all things books and how they got to be where they are now. There will also be time to answer any questions you might have.4/4/2024
Edinburgh International Film Festival Announces Collaboration With Edinburgh Festival Fringe
The newly relaunched Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF) has announced a landmark collaboration with the renowned Edinburgh Festival Fringe which will open up the Film Festival programme in new venues across the city including non-traditional cinema spaces at Summerhall and the heart of the Fringe footprint. From August 15 to August 21 2024, the 77th edition of EIFF will see film embedded in the August festival ecosystem, allowing audiences to seamlessly experience the best of the Fringe along with the world-class programme of cinema at EIFF.3/4/2024
Gaelic Easter Activities For Hundreds Of Young People - Òigridh air feadh Alba a' Gabhail Com-pàirt ann an Tachartasan Gàidhlig na Càisge
Gheibh na ceudan de dh'òigridh ann an coimhearsnachdan air feadh Alba cothrom a dhol an sàs ann am Fèisean a’ tachairt rè shaor-làithean na Càisge eadar Nis, Port Rìgh, Inbhir Nis, An t-Òban, Obar Dheathain agus Glaschu. Bidh iad a’ faighinn oideachadh luachmhor ann an ceòl traidiseanta, dràma, òrain Ghàidhlig, dannsa agus ealain bho luchd-teagaisg air leth comasach.3/4/2024
Scot Trad Music Awards To Return To The Highlands - Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta Na H-alba A' Tilleadh Chun Na Gàidhealtachd
Chaidh ainmeachadh gun tèid 22mh Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba aig MG ALBA a chumail ann an Cathair-bhaile Inbhir Nis, a' toirt spionnadh mòr dhan eaconamaidh ionadail. Thug Mgr Thoumire, Stiùiriche Cruthachail Hands Up for Trad, seachad an deagh naidheachd do Bhuill aig Comataidh Gàidhlig na Comhairle.31/3/2024
UK Artists On Course For Royalty Windfall Down Under
UK artists will earn new royalties when their work is resold in Australia through the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement. UK creative sector set for boost as new measures ensure British artists are paid fairly when their work is resold Down Under.29/3/2024