This is a music and media group for young people aged 14+. A �drop-in� workshop will be held every Thursday evening in Wick Youth Club from 6pm to 10pm. Other short workshops for a specific project will be available according to needs. Leader+ has funded the �media� part of the project and the Scottish Arts Council (Youth Music Initiative) has funded the �music�.
Music-Link-Media�s aim is to encourage young people to build their self confidence through developing creative music making and media/film techniques as well as promote teamwork, leadership skills and social interaction. This means that if a young person lacks the initial self confidence to participate in the Music-Link-Media workshops, they will be encouraged to come to the project and �hang out� and watch the others. Then, through careful use of skilled youth workers it would be possible to attract a young person to interact in some part of the project once their confidence had grown. This will encourage self esteem to grow and creativity to flourish in a safe secure setting.
There is to be five part time staff engaged by the Youth Club and supported by Highland Council Community Learning & Learning. Douglas Cowie, a well known local musician is to be the �skilled music leader�. A �trainee music leader�, media/film leader� and two �experienced youth worker� posts will be advertised shortly. Hours vary from 5 to 8 per week.
A wide range of musical instruments as well as equipment such as amplifiers, microphones etc shall be available for the Music Workshops. Likewise, film and camera equipment are already in place for the Media Workshops. There will be a growing library of tuition books that may be borrowed. Consumables are to be free, so that any young person who wishes to take home evidence of their work may do so at no cost eg music CD that they played base guitar on; DVD film that they were in or did the camera work for. This will allow their achievements to be recognised outwith Music-Link-Media.
It is hoped that the project will begin on the 2nd of March 2006. For further information contact Koreen MacDougall, Youth Development Worker on 01955 609901
Additional Info � MUSIC-LINK-MEDIA
A consultation with S5 pupils in WHS in Sept 05 highlighted a need for a music or media resource for young people in Wick as well as for somewhere to go at nights rather than hanging round the streets.
The �media� part of the project will keep a diary of the whole project. This may be one to one interviews with participants, filming workshops or any events ran by the project.
Other local events may be filmed.
Films or photos can then be shared with other community groups eg gala Committee, Community Council. This should raise a more positive image of young people in Wick today.
A sum of money has been set aside from the funding for outings. This will be spent democratically, according to the groups wishes, thus encouraging �ownership� of the project by young people. It will also promote team work in decision making.
It is hoped that some public events will be staged in various types of musical expression and photographic displays.
A �peer education� system will be developed during the project. This may be especially useful in developing songwriting skills as youth terminology has its� own culture.
The group will be encouraged to seek additional funding to develop the project further.
Consumables will be provided at no cost (CD�s & DVDs). This will allow young people to take home a record of their achievements and encourage recognition of their talents outside of Music-Link-Media.
Thurso Music Night
There is an established music night in Thurso Youth Club, also on a Thursday night, from 7pm to 9pm. It has been running for 1 year now and provides the young people with an opportunity to listen and learn all kinds of music. There is a large variety of musical instruments available for use and previously the young people have been given the opportunity to record music at the local music studios. The music workshops are open to all young people over the age of 12 an always welcome new participants. For further
information contact Shona MacDonald, Youth Development Worker on 01847 895 782.
01955 609901
Koreen MacDougall
If you contact this Artist, please let them know, you found them in the Arts.Caithness.Org