5th February 2009
BNS Nuclear Services Ltd, in conjunction with DSRL recently held a series of safety presentations at several local primary schools with Oscar the robot. The primary schools were invited to submit a poster based upon the theme of safety in the home with the first prize being a laptop for the school. Two schools entered, Miller Academy and Melvich Primary and as the entries were of such high calibre it was decided to award both schools with a laptop. Children representing both schools are pictured here receiving the laptops from BNS Nuclear Services Ltd with some of their artwork in the background.
Back Left to right: Emma Budge, Toni Baird, Lachlan Jardine-Munro, Rhys Mackay, Ryan Watt, Jordan Griffiths
Front left to right: Peter Sinclair (BNS Nuclear Ltd), Ben Gordon, Lana Richardson, John McGeachie and Brian Farmer (BNS Nuclear Ltd)