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Scot Trad Music Awards To Return To The Highlands - Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta Na H-alba A' Tilleadh Chun Na Gàidhealtachd

3rd April 2024

Photograph of Scot Trad Music Awards To Return To The Highlands - Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta Na H-alba A' Tilleadh Chun Na Gàidhealtachd

Chaidh ainmeachadh gun tèid 22mh Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba aig MG ALBA a chumail ann an Cathair-bhaile Inbhir Nis, a' toirt spionnadh mòr dhan eaconamaidh ionadail.

Thug Mgr Thoumire, Stiùiriche Cruthachail Hands Up for Trad, seachad an deagh naidheachd do Bhuill aig Comataidh Gàidhlig na Comhairle.

Thuirt an Comhairliche Calum Rothach, Cathraiche Chomataidh na Gàidhlig: "Tha mi air mo dhòigh glan leis an naidheachd gum bi Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba a' tilleadh uair eile chun na Gàidhealtachd. Tha deich bliadhna bho thug sinn aoigheachd dha na duaisean, ann an tachartas tlachdmhor dha-rìribh, agus aig an àm chaidh figear ùr a chlàradh le còrr is 100,000 bhòt bhon phoball gus luchd-buannachaidh nan duaisean a thaghadh.

"’S e tachartas cliùiteach a th’ ann an Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba ann am mìosachan a’ chiùil Albannaich agus thraidiseanta agus bidh mòran luchd-èisteachd an-còmhnaidh an làthair aca. Bu toil leam taing a thoirt do Shimon airson taisbeanadh air leth a thoirt seachad, anns an robh fiosrachadh mu chuid de na buannachdan a bhios an lùib an tachartais agus a bheir spionnadh do ghnothachasan, taighean-òsta is taighean-bìdh ionadail.

“Tha Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba a’ taisbeanadh an tàlaint thraidiseanta as fheàrr bho air feadh na dùthcha, agus do luchd-ealain na Gàidhealtachd bidh cothrom aca a’ chuirm a chumail uair eile air an stairsnich aca fhèin."

Bha an taisbeanadh a’ gabhail a-steach ro-mheasaidhean gum faodadh còrr is cairteal a mhillean nota a bhith air a thogail am measg thaighean-òsta is thaighean-bìdh Inbhir Nis ri linn 1000 neach-èisteachd a’ tighinn gu na duaisean.

A’ bruidhinn mun deagh bhuaidh a bha aig an tachartas, thuirt Mgr Thoumire: “Tha Na Trads mu bhith ag àrach iomlaid coimhearsnachd is cultarach le bhith a’ toirt còmhla luchd-ciùil, proifeiseantaich gnìomhachais, agus luchd-spèis bho air feadh Alba agus bho thaobh a-muigh Alba, gus brìgh coimhearsnachd agus dearbh-aithne cultarach a chruthachadh. ’S e an cruinneachadh mòr seo de dhaoine a tha a’ dèanamh nan duaisean cho fìor shoirbheachail ann a bhith a’ toirt spionnadh do thurasachd agus ann a bhith a’ toirt taic do ghnothachasan ionadail.

“Le bhith a’ toirt aoigheachd do Na Trads ann an Inbhir Nis, thèid dìleab mhaireannach fhàgail a bheir brosnachadh do ghinealaichean de luchd-ciùil is de dhaoine le ùidh ann an cultar. Cuidichidh na duaisean gus cliù na sgìre a dhaingneachadh mar àite beòthail aig cridhe saoghal a’ chiùil thraidiseanta is a’ chultair Ghàidhlig, a’ tarraing luchd-tadhail agus tasgadh fada às dèidh an tachartais.

“Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith a’ cumail nan duaisean aig Ionad-Spòrs Inbhir Nis air 30 Samhain 2024, Latha an Naoimh Anndra. Mar sin, bidh sinn a’ cruthachadh cothrom air leth gus ceòl is cultar na Gàidhealtachd a chur air adhart, agus a’ comharrachadh Inbhir Nis mar gheata chun na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean agus mar phrìomh àite cultarach airson na Gàidhlig agus na Beurla."


Scot Trad Music Awards to return to the Highlands
The City of Inverness has been announced as the location for the 22nd MG ALBA Scot Trad Music Awards which will bring a significant boost to the local economy.

Mr Simon Thoumire, Creative Director for Hands Up for Trad, shared the good news with Members at the Council’s Gaelic Committee.

Cllr Calum Munro, Gaelic Chair said: “I am absolutely delighted with the news that the Scot Trad Music Awards will once again be returning to the Highlands. We last had the pleasure of hosting the awards a decade ago where a record figure was set at the time with over 100,000 public votes being cast to decide the award winners.

“The Scot Trad Music Awards is a prestigious and key event in the calendar for Scottish and Traditional Music and the awards are well attended. I would like to thank Simon for his excellent presentation which outlined some of the benefits including bringing a welcome boost to local businesses, hotels, and restaurants.

“The Scot Trad Music Awards showcases the very best of traditional talent from across the country, and for Highland artists this will mean a great deal to have the ceremony once again on our doorstep.”

The presentation included projections that Inverness hotels and restaurants could see over a quarter of a million-pounds be generated by the anticipated 1000 attendees to the awards.

Speaking on the positive impact of the event, Mr Thoumire added: “The Trad Awards is all about fostering community and cultural exchange by bringing together musicians, industry professionals, and fans from across Scotland and beyond to create a sense of community and shared cultural identify. It is through this amass of people that makes Na Trads an excellent instrument in boosting tourism and supporting local businesses.

“By hosting Na Trads in Inverness, a lasting legacy will be left to inspire future generations of musicians and cultural enthusiasts. The awards will help to strengthen the region's reputation as a vibrant centre for traditional music and Gaelic culture, attracting visitors and investment long after the event.

“We look forward to holding the awards at Inverness Leisure Centre on 30th November 2024 which is also St Andrew’s Day. Therefore, creating an excellent opportunity to promote Highland music and culture and highlighting Inverness as a gateway to the Highlands & Islands and as a cultural hub of Gaelic and English.”