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Dounreay Supports Local Art

1st August 2006

Photograph of Dounreay Supports Local Art

The Society of Caithness Artists are holding their 71st annual exhibition this summer. But with the closure of the Thurso Town Hall for renovation work, they were faced with the task of finding another venue in the town to display their paintings.

Thurso High School came to their rescue by offering the use of their assembly hall. However, the lack of wall space meant that new screens and hooks were required. Rolls Royce at Vulcan supplied the additional screens and UKAEA Dounreay donated �200 to fund the purchase of specialist hooks and rods to allow the paintings to be displayed.

Ian Pearson, UKAEA Dounreay Records Manager and Society of Caithness Artists committee member, expressed the Society's gratitude for the help they had received. "The Society appreciates greatly when organisations such as Dounreay demonstrate their commitment to the arts in such a practical and effective way which enforces the importance of arts sponsorship from the business community."

The art exhibition runs from 1-10 August at Thurso High School. Over 250 works of art created by local artists are displayed, and many are for sale. This year HRH Prince Charles the Duke of Rothesay is exhibiting two of his own watercolours.

Photo shows Ian Pearson presenting the cheque to Barbara Myatt, Chairperson of the Society, with fellow committee members looking on.


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