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Elaine Rapson-Grant - Latest Collection At Caithness Horizons

21st November 2015

Photograph of Elaine Rapson-Grant - Latest Collection At Caithness Horizons

Currently on display at the Gallery Cafe, Caithness Horizons from now until the end of November is a collection of paintings by local wildlife artist Elaine Rapson-Grant.

Elaine has a total of fifteen paintings on display and has used various mediums and techniques. All of her animals and birds have been painted using a palette of mixed media watercolours. By using a layering method the paintings have an overall textured effect.

Her canvases are various techniques including palette knife acrylics, acrylic impasto with gold flakes and acrylic impasto with gilded flakes.

Autumn Winds was painted using acrylic impasto & gold flakes. The painting is fairly abstract and was inspired by blown autumn leaves which now form rich Autumn colours in an intricate pattern.

Opulent Autumn golds was painted using acrylic impasto & gilded flakes. This painting has been created using a rich abundance of various golden mediums. It is highly textured with its gilded flakes and has a rich opulent feel.


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