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HIE Commits Over Half A Million Pounds To Fèisean

25th September 2009

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is investing £540,000 to support the development of the popular traditional arts movement, Fèisean, across the Highlands and Islands and further afield.

The three year funding package will offer Fèisean nan Gàidheal, the umbrella organisation which supports the Fèisean network, the opportunity to develop a range of new activities across the region. These include the expansion of the Fèis Cèilidh Trails, an annual Gaelic drama summer school, events bringing families together in Gaelic language activities and a new Gaelic song-writing initiative.

HIE chair William Roe commented: "The positive impacts of the Fèisean in Scotland are becoming well documented. Its social and economic benefits are enjoyed in some of our most fragile communities; it brings new skills and confidence to young people, a terrific sense of pride in the Gaelic culture of Scotland and a new sense of cultural vitality across the region. As well as supporting and promoting talent and creativity, its work attracts newcomers and returners to the Highlands and Islands.

"We are delighted to agree a new three-year funding package with Fèisean nan Gàidheal, as part of our support for cultural activity in strengthening Highlands and Islands communities. The new investment will build on recent successes and help further realise the full potential and benefits of the Fèisean phenomenon in Scotland."

The Fèisean network grew from the first Fèis in Barra in the early 1980s. Its initiatives, which have brought traditional music tuition into schools, the training of new tutors in traditional music teaching skills and high profile work in the annual Blas Festival and Cèilidh Trails, have ensured the establishment of local Fèisean in communities across the Highlands and Islands and many other parts of Scotland.

Arthur Cormack of Fèisean nan Gàidheal, commented: "We are grateful that HIE is to continue investing in our work. This assistance will help us fund new initiatives as well as ensure the continuity of support that is vital to the local Fèisean, both financial and human. Fèisean nan Gàidheal's 2009 Annual Report, to be published at the AGM in Stornoway tomorrow (25 September), reveals that our work now involves around 36,000 people as participants or audience members. The Fèisean are, therefore, making a significant contribution to the creative industries and Gaelic language development across Scotland.

"With a workforce based wholly in the Highlands and Islands, our work also contributes to the area's economy. For every £1 HIE invests in the Fèis movement, around another £4 is spent by Fèisean nan Gàidheal in the HIE area."

Fèisean nan Gàidheal, which supports 45 local Fèisean - currently provides the equivalent of 100 jobs across Scotland annually, bringing £7m into the Scottish economy, and £6m into the economy of the Highlands and Islands in a three-year period.

HIE a' cur còrr is leth millean nòta ri leasachadh nam Fèisean air coimhearsnachdan na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean

Tha Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd 's Eilean (HIE) a' cur £540,000 de dh’airgead-tasgaidh a-steach a leasachadh nam Fèisean air feadh na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean agus gu nàiseanta. Bheiridh an airgead-tasgaidh trì bliadhna seo cothrom do Fhèisean nan Gàidheal, a' bhuidhean-taic a chumas taic ri lìonra nam Fèisean, diofar iomairtean ùra a chuir an gnìomh air feadh na sgìre.

Am measg nan iomairtean seo, thig leasachadh air na Cuairtean Cèilidh, air sgoil shamhraidh dràma, air tachartasan Gàidhlig a bheireas teaghlaichean còmhla agus air nithean eile a leithid pròiseact a-chum òrain Ghàidhlig ùra.

Thuirt Uilleam Roe, neach-cathrach HIE, "Tha sinn fàs mothachail air buaidhean mòra nam Fèisean. Tha sinn a' faicinn gu bheil iad a' toirt sgilean is misneachd ùr do dh’òigridh, a thuilleadh air mòit mhòr às fèin-aithne Gàidhealach na h-Alba agus barrachd beòthalachd ri coimhearsnachdan na sgìre; a' tarraing daoine air ais agus as ùire don Ghàidhealtachd. 'S ann a tha e air leth iongantach agus gum b' urrainn dhuinne a-nis figearan a chuir mu choinneamh de fèidhir na buaidhean eaconomacadh a th' aig obair nam Fèisean air a' Ghàidhealtachd 's na h-Eileanan, is gu h-àraidh na sgìrean dùbhlanach.

'S ann a tha e a' toirt dhuinne toileachas mòr aontachadh ùr a' ruigsinn le Fèisean nan Gàidheal, mar phàirt de phrògram-taic HIE ri cultar is e a' toirt spionnadh is neart do choimhearsnachdan na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean. Tha sinn an dùil gun toir an t-airgead ùr seo leasachadh a bharrachd air comas agus buannachdan Fhèisean na h-Alba."

Thòisich a' chiad fhèis ann am Barraigh tràth sna 1980an. Tha na Fèisean agus iomairtean nan lùib air sgilean-ciùil Gàidhealach a thoirt a-steach do sgoiltean, air luchd-oide ùr a threànadh an sgilean ciùil tradiseanta, agus leasachaidhean a leithid Fèis Blas agus na Cuairtean Cèilidh a thoirt gu bith. Tha Fèisean ionadail a-nis air feadh na Gàidhealtachd 's nan Eilean agus gu dearbha air feadh Alba.

Thuirt Art MacCarmaig aig Fèisean nan Gàidheal: "Tha sinn an comuinn HIE agus gu bheil an taic-airgid bhuapa a' maireachdainn. Cuiridh an t-airgead ùr seo ri diofar iomairtean ùra agus nì e cinnteach gum bi e nar comas taic, taic-airgid is taic-daoine mar an ceudna, cumail ris na Fèisean ionadail. Tha Aithisg Bhliadhnail Fhèisean nan Gàidheal 2009, a theid foillseachadh aig a' Choinneimh Bhliadhnail, a' sealltainn gu bheil mu 36,000 neach a-nis an-sàs ann gnothaichean Fhèisean nan Gàidheal eadar luchd-èisdeachd agus an fheadhainn a tha a' gabhail pàirt. Mur sin, 's urrainnear ag ràdh gu bheil na Fèisean nam pàirt mòr den ghnìomhachasan cruthachail agus gu dearbha a' Ghàidhlig fhèin air feadh na h-Alba.

"Leis is gu bheil an luchd-obrach againn uile stèidhichte air a' Ghàidhealtachd agus air na h-Eilean, tha a' bhuidheann fhèin a' cur gu mòr ri eaconamaidh na sgìre. Thathas a' meas gu bheil Fèisean nan Gàidheal a' cur £4 ri eaconamaidh sgìre HIE mu choinneamh a h-uile £1 a tha HIE a' cosg air Fèisean nan Gàidheal."

Tha a' bhuidhean Fèisean nan Gàidheal a' cumail taic ri 45 Fèisean ionadail, agus thathas a' meas gum bheil iomairtean air fad nam Fèisean a' cumail an ceart uiread ri 100 cosnadh do mhuinntir na h-Alba sa bhliadhna, agus a' cur £7m nòta ri eaconamaidh na dùthcha thar trì bliadhna, is £6m dhen a sin a' tighinn dhan a' Ghàidhealtachd.