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Gaelic Cultural Space at Merchant City Festival 2013

15th July 2013



Saturday 27 July 10am – 4:30pm Sunday 28 July 11am – 4:30pm.

Free, drop in. Ramshorn Theatre, 98 Ingram Street, Glasow, G1 1ES

Àirc is a two day programme hosted by GalGael,

Each day will start with a boat building demonstration which will be followed by film screenings, talks, songs, storytelling and artist talks.

On Sunday at 3pm Andy Mackinnon, arts officer & curator for North Uist arts centre will launch UistFilm – a two year film and digital media development and resource project.
There will also be a café for anyone to drop in and enjoy a drink, hear a song, try out your Gaelic or listen to a traditional story.
Drop in anytime, all welcome.
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Céilidh Cómhla

Didòmhnaich 28 Iuchair 6 – 8f
£2 – Feumar àite a chur air dòigh ro-làimh. Tadhailibh air
“Cèilidh: Facal ann an Gàidhlig airson tadhal, pàrtaidh no cruinneachadh. Ma tha thu a’ dol air chèilidh, tha thu a’ tadhal air cuideigin agus a’ conaltradh leotha.”
Tha sgioba Cèilidh Còmhla a’ toirt cuireadh dhuibh an cèilidh a thoirt air ais a dh’Alba eadar-chultarach. Bidh coileanadh àrd-ùrlair ann, ceòl, dannsa, biadh agus deoch. Cuirear fàilte oirbh ann an Gàidhlig, Albais, Shona agus Swahili.
Thathar ag iarraidh oirbh rudeigin cruthachail no dèanadach a thoirt leibh mar thabhartas – nì sam bith; òran, pìos cèic, sgeulachd – tha e suas ribh fhèin.