10th April 2008
As reported in the latest Caithness Arts Newsletter, the AGM of Caithness Arts will be held on Thursday, 8th May at the North Highland College, Thurso at 7pm.
Unfortunately, seven of our board members are standing down - most are obliged to do so under the conditions contained within our Constitution which states that board members must stand down following six years on the Board.
We would be keen to hear from any individuals who are highly motivated, have a strong interest in the arts and would like to be instrumental in the future direction of Caithness Arts.
Most importantly, some of the board members standing down include our Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer and we will therefore require to appoint suitable successors.
If you feel you have the necessary qualities and skills and would like to be considered for nomination to the Board, or specifically Chair, Vice Chair or Treasurer, please get in touch with Linda Hutton on 01847 895545 in the first instance.
All appointments are on a voluntary basis.