15th March 2007
Audience Development Capacity Building
24 March 2007 11.00am - 2.30pm
Lyth Arts Centre - Participation is FREE
Tel 07713 632438 Email stuart[AT]hi-arts.co.uk
These participatory training events are aimed at cultural organisations, venues, promoters, festivals and heritage groups across the region, and offer practical advice and a toolkit for developing your group's marketing plan.
HI-Arts is pleased to announce a range of practical audience development tools and training for cultural organisations across the Highlands and Islands to develop their audiences in the run up to and during Highland 2007, the year Scotland celebrates Highland culture.
The Audience Development Capacity Building (ADCB) project, funded by Scottish Arts Council and Highland 2007, began in August 2006 and throughout Highland 2007, to help arts and heritage venues, event promoters and festivals, to capitalise on the increased interest in the region's culture during the festival year, and to build their audiences.
The key aims of the project are as follows:
To raise the skills, ambitions and confidence of events promoters in audience development
To encourage best practice in evidence-based and strategic marketing planning
To assist events and venue promoters in reaching new and tourist audiences, thus expanding audiences
To increase access to cultural and events information for audiences
As a result, to increase access to, and attendance at, cultural events and venues and thereby maintain viable event promoting venues and festivals at a local level
It is recognised that the type of marketing training, resources and assistance that is appropriate will differ depending on the nature of the event promoter. For instance, a large-scale, core-funded arts venue with Box Office will have very different requirements to a small-scale voluntary festival organiser.
See also - http://www.hi-arts.co.uk/adcb