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Gaelic speakers urged to 'use it or lose it'

12th October 2012

Gaelic speakers were yesterday urged to make the most of their language skills to ensure that a key part of Scottish heritage continues to grow for future generations.

Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning Michael Russell will speak at the world renowned annual celebration of the Gaelic language, the Royal National Mod (Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail), in Dunoon this evening.

New investment of £60,000 will be announced as part of the speech and will go towards support for the early years and scholarships for Gaelic students based in Nova Scotia.

Mr Russell said:"The Mòd is a world famous celebration of the Gaelic language and provides an incentive for speakers to help it develop and thrive.

"We are committed to a sustainable and positive future for the Gaelic language in Scotland and recognise that increased and better provision of Gaelic Medium Education, from the early years right up to secondary school is a fundamental means to increasing the number of Gaelic speakers. This is why we are investing in Gaelic schools such as the new Parkside Primary School in Edinburgh.

"I am delighted to be able to announce that we are providing additional funding to support Gaelic in the early years, some of which will go directly into Argyll and Bute, the host of this year's Mòd. We will also be welcoming some more Nova Scotians at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (SMO) in the new year.

"We all have a duty to help the Gaelic language to survive. It is not something the Scottish Government or Bòrd na Gaidhlig can achieve alone. It is time for the people in Scotland who have the language skills to take every opportunity to use it in everyday life and encourage others to follow suit. In other words, let's use it or lose it."

The funding announced by Mr Russell will go towards the following projects:

£30,000 for early years support through Bòrd na Gaidhlig
£25,000 for Argyll and Bute Council to support the roll out of a successful early years Gaelic book scheme
£5,000 to fund more scholarships from Nova Scotia, Canada to attend a short course at SMO.
Mr Russell also announced that the Gaelic Ambassador of the Year would be Roddy Maclean a well-known broadcaster and writer who has made, and continues to make, a significant contribution to Gaelic learning. His weekly "Litir do Luchd-ionnsachaidh" published by the Inverness Courier and broadcast by Reidio nan Gaidheal is aimed at helping learners of Gaelic get to grips with written Gaelic and particularly Gaelic expressions and sayings.

John Morrison, president of An Comunn Gàidhealach added: "Ruairidh is the perfect recipient of the Gaelic Ambassador of the Year Award 2012. His effort on behalf of the Gaelic language continues to be immense. No other Scot has the understanding of the Gaelic place-names of Scotland that Ruairidh possesses and his weekly 'litir do luchd-ionnsachaidh' has been an inspiration to countless Gaelic learners over many years.

"In addition, he has provided support and inspiration to Gaelic learners through his editorial direction of the Clì Gàidhlig magazine Cothrom for many years now. His efforts are delivered with good manners and kindness and the staff and Directors of An Comunn Gàidhealach are delighted to see Ruairidh receive the Gaelic Ambassador of the Year Award 2012. It is well deserved."

See the National Mod at Dunoon at

Impidh 'cleachd I no caill I' ga chur air luchd na Gàidhlig

Tha teachdaireachd a' dol a-mach gu luchd-cleachdaidh na Gàidhlig an cuid sgilean cànain a chleachdadh nas trice airson gum bi a' Ghàidhlig aig cridhe dualchais na h-Alba anns na bliadhnaichean a tha romhainn.

Bidh Micheal Rùiseal, Rùnaire a' Chàibineit airson Foghlaim agus Ionnsachadh Fhad Beatha, a' comharrachadh na Gàidhlig an uair a bhios e a' bruidhinn aig fosgladh oifigeil a' Mhòid, ann an Dùn Omhain a-nochd.

Uile gu lèir, bidh £60,000 a' dol a dh'ionnsaigh taic airson na tràth bhliadhnaichean agus airson ceanglaichean le sgoilearan Gàidhlig bho Alba Nuadh a bhrosnachadh.

Thuirt Mgr Rùiseal:

"Tha am Mòd ainmeal air feadh an t-saoghail. Bheir e cothrom do dhaoine a' chànan a chomharrachadh agus cothrom do luchd-cleachdaidh a leasachadh.

"Tha sinn dealasach gum bi a' Ghàidhlig seasmhach san àm ri teachd. 'S mar sin tha sinn ag aithneachadh cho deatamach 's a tha Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Airson àireamhan luchd-cleachdaidh àrdachadh, tha gach ìre, bho na tràth bhliadhnaichean suas gu foghlam àrd-ìre uabhasach cudromach. 'S ann air sàillibh seo a tha sinn a' cur maoin ri sgoiltean Gàidhlig mar Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce ann an Dùn Èideann.

" 'S ann le deagh thoileachas a tha mi a' foillseachadh maoin a bharrachd airson na tràth bhliadhnaichean a chuideachadh, cuid a' dol gu Earra Ghàidheal is Bhòid, dachaigh a' Mhòid am bliadhna. Bidh sinn cuideachd a' cur fàilte air tuilleadh sgoilearan bho Alba Nuadh aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig anns a' bhliadhna ùr.

"Ach a' dh'aindeoin seo, tha dleastanas oirnn uile a' Ghàidhlig a shàbhaladh. Chan ann airson Riaghaltas na h-Alba air neo Bòrd na Gàidhlig nan aonar a tha seo idir. Tha an t-àm air tighinn do shluagh na h-Alba aig a bheil sgilean sònraichte Gàidhlig a chleachdadh gach latha airson misneachd a thoirt do dhaoine eile leantail bhuaipe. 'S mar sin, cleachd I no caill I."

Seo mar a bhios maoin air a chleachdadh:

▪ £30,000 airson taic do na tràth bhliadhnaichean tro Bhòrd na Gàidhlig

▪ £25,000 airson Earra Ghàidheal is Bhòid airson sgeama leabhraichean

a sgaoileadh.

▪ £5,000 airson sgoilearan Gàidhlig bho Alba Nuadh tighinn gu Alba airson a'

chànan ionnsachadh aig SMO.

A bharrachd air a seo dh'fhoillsich Mgr Rùiseal gur e Ruairidh MacIllEathain Tosgaire na Bliadhna. 'S e neach-craolaidh agus sgriobhadair ainmeil a tha ann an Ruairidh, agus tha e air cuideachadh sònraichte a dhèanamh le ionnsachaidh na Gaìdhlig. Gach seachdainn bidh "Litir do Luchd-ionnsachaidh" air fhoillseachadh anns a' Chourier ann an Inbhir Nis agus air a chroaladh air Reidio nan Gàidheal. Tha an litir ag amas air luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a chuideachadh le sgriobhadh agus gu h-àraid le abairtean agus faclan Gàidhlig.

Thuirt Iain Moireasdan, Àrd-Oifigear A' Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich:

"Tha Ruairidh na dheagh thaghadh airson Tosgaire na Bliadhna 2012. Tha a' chuid obair às leth saoghail na Gàidhlig fhathast uabhasach sònraichte. Chan eil neach sam bith eile ann an Alba le eòlas ainmean àite ar dùthcha mar a th'aig Ruairidh, agus tha an 'litir do luchd-ionnsachaidh' air a bhith fìor chuideachail do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig tro na bliadhnaichean. A bharrachd air a seo, tha e air taic agus cuideachadh a thoirt seachad le bhith stiùireadh an iris Cothrom aig Clì Gàidhlig. An còmhnaidh ag obair ann an dòigh coibhneil agus tlachdmhòr, tha luchd-obrach agus luchd-stiùiridh aig A' Chomunn Ghàidhealach air an dòigh glè mhath gu bheil Ruairidh air ainmeachadh mar Thosgaire na Bliadhna airson 2012. Tha e fìor airidh air."